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Nomao is a French app that lets you discover and share great places with your friends and families! How many times have you visited a great restaurant, bar, hotel, or even a bank and wanted to share the location with friends? With Nomao you can! But it’s not just about sharing great experiences, it’s about finding them too. Additionally, Nomao Camera Apk comes with an innovative AI-based X-Ray feature that can be used to do the X-Ray scan of anybody. This X-Ray feature lets you see the bodies of people without their clothes.Basically, you can capture the naked picture of people.. Furthermore, the Nomao Camera App comes with built-in camera image stabilization that allows you to capture very stable high-quality Features Of Nomao Camera: Nomao Camera APK is just like other camera apps which provides you to take pictures and record videos but Nomao Camera is different from all of them because it has some great features which are given below:. User-Friendly Interface: Nomao Camera APK is a user-friendly app because it has a simple interface without any advanced options so the user has easy navigation in nomao透视是一款恶搞类的透视拍照软件,使用人体透视相机扫描你的手或腿,在几秒钟之内你就能看到你的手或者腿的X光照,原理就是软件里有N多的三点装图片. 再贴上你的头像,该软件可以直接通过物品表面来观看更深层次的东西,可以愚人,你也快来下载吧! 在Uptodown上免费下载无病毒的Android平台上的Nomao 4.0.1。体验Android平台上的Nomao 2016的最新版本 Nomao Camera is The Best Camera App That Have Fun! You Can Make Pics With Nomao camera, Nomao camera is the only the 1st camera app that have fun! and with the this cam your can make pictures and Download the latest version of Nomao for Android. Find and share new places with your friends